Monday, November 25, 2019

If you're going to read to the end of one of my posts, this should be the one

So I'm going with a Monday edition this month! I would like to apologize to my blog fans for my lack of posting. Conferences, book fairs, and trips to Tennessee have really messed with my schedule. 

Book fair is over
On that note, thank you to everyone for bearing with us during the longgggg book fair. We sold nearly $10,000 in books/junk which brings us a lot of Scholastic dollars. I used those dollars to purchase your teacher stacks as well as more materials for the book room. When I get my updated total, I will announce a super fun plan that I think you will like. Stay tuned. 

Service learning projects
In case you don't know, we are currently in the process of building chicken coops in Mr. Higgins' class (and eventually the rest of 5th grade). Basically, they are completing extensive research, designing a coop, presenting to high schoolers, and building the winning design. A big piece of the process is determining how to use the coop afterwards so that it benefits an organization. The students have been great and it's been a huge challenge. My hope is that we can do some sort of project with each grade level. It doesn't need to be as large (I'm not sure I could survive if it were) but it's a great way to get kids really thinking and working together for a common goal. Think it over and we'll chat sometime next month to see what ideas you have. 

iPads for everyone!
I found out last week about the district's plan for elementary devices. Here are some highlights:

  • All teachers will be getting a new 7th generation iPad and case
  • All teachers will be getting a Dell 3390 touchscreen laptop (newer model than what you currently have)
  • There will be 1:1 iPads for K-5. This news is pretty big. I'll need to spend time during your grade level meetings to discuss this development with the K-2 teachers
  • Laptop carts will remain in the building but it sounds like they won't be replacing them anymore
  • I don't know about your classroom desktops. I'm guessing they stay for the time being, but I think at some point the laptop you have will serve as the presentation station as well. 
According to the info I received, they are planning to start this process for a first wave of schools in January. And we are in the first wave. We are waiting for details on how this plan is going to roll out. 

Laptop carts
Image result for upset librarian memeI've been hearing from teachers that the laptops are not getting put back properly all the time. Here is what need to happen EVERY TIME you use the laptops:
  • Each laptop needs to shut down. I'd suggest you have each student keep their laptop open so you can make sure it is off
  • Each laptop needs to be plugged in and returned to the correct slot in the cart
  • Every cart needs to be plugged into the outlet at the correct location in the building
If this process isn't done correctly, it hurts the next teacher who has to use them. Please take the time to complete the process. Otherwise, we'll go back to lock and key and I really, really don't want another thing to manage...

Hot chocolate cart
I have supplies ready to go to visit your classrooms for some hot chocolate reading time. Light a fire on your flat screen and let's relax with a good book (not iReady) and a hot beverage. Pair it up with the book mobile for a truly crazy time!

The content you have been waiting for!
Image result for mistletoeSo it's that time of year again. The time where you break out your slippers, hot chocolate, and remote control. Yes, it's Christmas movie season. And like clockwork, here are my two favorite documents that live in my Google Drive: "Matt's fairly comprehensive Christmas movie spreadsheet" and "Christmas movie bingo cards". Enjoy!

Matt's fairly comprehensive Christmas movie spreadsheet (no, I won't allow you to edit it, Amber. All my rankings are correct. Make your own copy if you don't like my scores!)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Miss me?

I know, it's been too long. Hasn't it been busy? Here's a Monday update to start your week.

EdTalk 2019
Looking for a great way to spend your Saturday morning? Come to Paxton Keeley on the 26th for an edcamp style discussion with teachers and a presentation from author Lester Laminack! Registration starts at 8:00 and the sessions will end by 12:15. It's a great way to get refreshed and load your toolbox with ideas from fellow teachers. Come on out! 

Library Stuff
First, please make sure you are sending your returns down in the morning. We aren't getting the help we thought we'd have this year for circulation (checking in and reshelving) so it's important you send books down early so I can get to it before you arrive. 

Second, we won't be checking out new books to students who have overdue materials. I sent each of you a list of current overdue books. I'll run hard copies later in the week for you to send home on Friday. Then I'll have another round for you to pass out at conferences next month.

Book Fair
The book fair will be held in the media center the week of conferences. I will have the fair set up on November 7th before I leave for the Smoky Mountain trip. We will watch the preview video the week before and have students complete wishlists during their checkout time. I'd love some 5th or 4th grade help with the kindergarten classes again. Those times are:
Friday the 8th at 2:40 with Ms. Huhman
Monday the 11th at 2:40 with Ms. Lammers
Tuesday the 12th at 2:40 with Ms. Hawf
Wednesday the 13th at 2:40 with Ms. Schooler

Matt's Projects Update
-Completed the PLTW "tiger rescue" with all third grades. Students built simple machines and then designed a compound machine to rescue a tiger from a pit.
-Started 5th graders on their collaborative Minecraft Ecosystems projects.
-Tried to do a breakout in Mr. Higgins' classroom...
-Working with Ms. Wall and Ms. Geha students to 3D print an object after reaching their goals in Class Dojo.
Coming up:
-Maker stations with 4th graders for a job well done
-Lots of Halloween buttons with kindergarten
-Mini breakout with Ms. Maude's first grade
-Google Hangout with author Abby Cooper on November 4th with 5th grade

Have a great week!

Friday, September 20, 2019

"I Do It For You"

Too bad there's no audio to go along with the picture!
Congratulations to Ms. Wall's class for completing the "decorate your book return bin" contest. Her musical box came down the hall this morning blaring Bryan Adams and decorated with custom student art. It's pretty awesome so she's definitely getting some cash. I only know of one other classroom that is attempting it. You have until next Friday to finish.

I have a new (hopefully recurring) feature in my blog this week. As we've been struggling to get fruit to grow on the pineapple chart, I thought it might be helpful for me to share the types of things I am doing in different classrooms. I try to tweet my activities so you can see what's happening, but maybe a digest each week would be more helpful. So I'm including things I did this week (one time only) and what's coming up. Pretty much everything I do can be modified to any grade level or content, so talk to me about planning it out with you.

Matt's Projects Update
This week:
- Showed iPad productivity tools with all third grade classes
4th graders building their egg drop contraption
(15 minutes each)

- Made "about me" buttons with Trisha's class
- Completed an egg drop with Nikki's class for students to simulate the effect of heavy impact on the head
- Visited Leanna and Taryn's classes with the bookmobile
- Completed the Amazing Library Race challenge with all 3-5 classes
Next week:
- Working with all 2nd grade classes to design, build, test, and analyze machines to spread seeds over an area
- Collaborative activity with Taryn's class
- Showing Flipster digital resources to grades 3-5 during checkout times (no need for students to bring their devices)
Down the road:
- Collaborative Minecraft ecosystems with 5th grade
- Country research with 3rd grade with final projects being published using Pages and iBooks Author. We'll also use a green screen to record travel videos of their country. 

Global Read Aloud
The Global Read Aloud is upon us. I know, I missed it last year. This year features author Yuyi Morales. We have some of the titles now and I'm looking to add the ones we don't have. If you would like to participate, I can lend out the books for you to read to your classes. The lineup of books is listed at this blog site. Let me know if you'd like to join up. 

So many choices...
The bookmobile is rolling around the school. Sign up your class by emailing me. I can post up in your class or in the hallway. Students can return and checkout new titles. If you are focused on a specific genre/author/topic in class, I can find titles to support more reading. 

Time for some friendly reminders about the bookroom. As of now, it's only accessible for our teachers. I think that might change at some point. Here are the key points:

  • All materials need to be checked out in the library. If someone isn't there to help, add the numbers to the clipboard on the counter behind the circulation desk. I need to have record of our circulations and to be able to track down missing copies. Which brings me to...
  • Make sure you are sending back all six copies in the bags. 
  • This point might seem small, but I would appreciate it if you could return the bags with the information sheets facing out. That way the next person can see the title, level, and other info that they need to make decisions. And it saves me time. Because it's really all about me. 
  • Finally, all materials need to be checked out. I know, I'm repeating myself. 
New book orders
I'm planning on putting in another book order for the library in the coming weeks. Send me any titles that you would like to see in the library or would like to see more of.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Lots of things for you!

Between soccer, cross country, scouts, dance, piano, and choir, I'm over this week. But I'm not as tired as Josh! 

Reading Capsules

I launched our new Reading Capsules this week. Students have enjoyed hanging out in them to read their books. They are taking up a bit of space in here, so I'd love to ship them to your classrooms. If you are interested in using them for a day or more, let me know. They work best for grades K-2. I'll consider buying giant ones for the older students if you are interested. 

Headphone Splitters

Per popular request, I purchased ten splitters to use in the iPads. Nikki has used them in the past for students to listen to an audiobook in a group. If you'd like to try them out, let me know. 

Collaboration Activities
I wasn't able to find time to create my first round of activities. I'm planning to take that on next week. Several of you have expressed interest in starting those, so I'll contact you as soon as I am ready to schedule a time. Should be fun! 

Interactive Bulletin Board
Our board is starting to fill up! Taryn brought her class down to add posts and I'm seeing more students stop by to add their thoughts. I'd love for some of these ideas to spark conversations/research/service learning projects in your class. If something on the board fits with your teaching, let me know if I can help you get going. 

Mark Twain Nominees
For our 4th and 5th grade teachers, I have buttons ready to make for our book nominees this year. No, you don't have to complete a project like the students. I'll trust your word. Of course, if you teach K-3 and also finish a nominee, you are welcome to a button as well! There are some good ones this year. 

Attention 3-5 Teachers!
Next week for checkout, we'll be competing in the Amazing Library Race! We'll review info on how to use Destiny, reading spine labels, and finding books. Then we'll have a short competition to achieve their library certification. Please have 6 students bring an iPad to access Destiny and serve as our group leaders. 

Come and get it
I have a small book display that's just taking up space. It's by the tv. First come, first served. 

Several of you have mentioned a Library Book Return Crate decorating contest. So let's do it. Decorate your crate to enter the contest. Scoring will be totally arbitrary and done by me. I like lights, music, bright colors, and butterflies. The winner of the contest will receive a $100 gift card to Scholastic. The contest will run until a suitable winner is found. Or two weeks. Whatever comes first. 

Have a Great Weekend!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Breakout, buttons, and bookmarks

I enjoyed attending most of your team meetings this week. It's fun to hear what's happening in your room. Please let me know how I can support your work in the classroom!

0 for 24. That's our current Breakout stat line. Third and fifth grades all took on a Breakout over the last two weeks and we came up empty. But we learned a lot, which takes me to point number one...

Collaboration Skills
As I watched so many groups work on their Breakout tasks, I realized that we need to continue to work on those crucial skills. We may not know what jobs our students will have, but we know that collaboration is vital for the workplace. My plan is to come up with short group activities and explicitly teach students different collaboration strategies. I'd like to fit it all within a 30 minute activity: mini-lesson, group task, debrief. The tasks will be tailored to your grade level. Yes, I mean kindergarten as well! I'm going to have everything organized by grade so we can keep building on these skills from year to year. Please let me know if you would like to start us off. 

Interactive Bulletin Board
Many of you have noticed the interactive bulletin board outside the library. Many students have as well. I haven't brought it up because I was curious to see what happens. And today, we had two girls add to the board when they arrived at school! Yes, it is meant for open discussions. I have supplies there for students and teachers to add their thoughts. Hopefully it can spark some conversations or writing in your classrooms. 

Maker Activities
We started making "about me" buttons and bookmarks with kindergarten this week. It is just so fun seeing their reactions when they see their drawing turn into a button. If you would like to schedule the same activity with your class, just let me know. 

My big rock next week is to get organized with Project Lead the Way. I'd like to share the specific science unit with each grade level and start to think through how to implement it in your classroom. The learning is hands-on and I'm here to co-teach it with you. 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 23, 2019

We made it!

Related imageWhat a long week. Hats off the kindergarten for pulling through! Lots of energy in that wing. I'm out of energy after getting through all 3-5 classrooms for iPad deployment. Thank you teachers for all your support in that process! 

My "to do" list is currently 23 items long. I swear I've marked some items off the list, but it's not shrinking as fast as I'd like. I promise I'll get to everything... 

Success Ready planning
I jotted notes at our back to school meetings about Success Ready communication. I would love to chat with you about digital options for communication. It looked like they didn't have a preference for how it was communicated and I'm really good at working with very broad parameters. So let me know and we can talk about efficient ways to make that happen! 

Team Planning
So I was a failure at getting to team meetings. Like the "Good Egg", I can see where I went wrong. But now that I've gotten through iPad deployment, I'm good to go for next week. That didn't stop many of you from emailing me things you need. I have everything on my list and will be working through it ASAP.

What Matt can do for you
Now that I'm done with iPads, I'm in good shape for getting into your classrooms more. I wanted to share our menu of fun items with you again. Read through it and if something strikes you as interesting, let me know and we'll figure something out. Anything we have can be tied to your learning standards. 

Pineapple board
Don't forget about the Pineapple Board in the teacher's lounge. I added some activities for next week. Stop by to see what's happening. And please add your own activities. It's fun to share! 

#CREteach (#CRfamily)
Just one more week until the end of August and the first #CREteach award of the year. I love seeing all of your tweets throughout the day. You are doing a great job of telling our story. I have a list of Cedar Ridge teachers on Twitter. If I've missed anyone, let me know.

Have A Great Weekend!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Welcome back info

Howdy! For those new to Cedar Ridge, this blog is my avenue for sending out updates concerning media center programming. I promise to only send out group emails in "emergency" situations during the week. This blog is linked from the media center web page. I'm sure many of you will want to mark it as a favorite so you can access it daily!

Tech Work Orders
Image result for technology memesOur tech director has instructed us to put in work orders for every technology related issue and let our building tech handle them. Our tech, Carl, has six other schools. You can do the math. Her intention is great because it will enable me to work in classrooms more. But I'm not going to leave you hanging while you wait for Carl to show up. So here's the plan:

  1. Something breaks/doesn't work
  2. Report the issue using one of two ways
    1. You can contact me like you normally do. I'll worry about the work order part. At the least, I'll assign it to me and resolve it so I can rack up high scores. 
    2. You can put in a work order yourself through the portal. There's a folder called "Helpspot". I can train you how to use it if you want to go that route
  3. Someone comes to fix it. If it's critical, I'll come ASAP. You have enough to worry about without having to worry about when the technician will arrive
We are open for business tomorrow! Kids need reading materials. So I'm planning on you coming this week unless you tell me otherwise. Then my feelings will be hurt. 

Checkouts are not release time for you. I'm not sure where else you'd want to be anyway. Grab a seat on the couch, call up a few friends to join you, and enjoy the show. We'll start with reading around the space after checking out and move into stations in a while.

Please send your returned library books in the morning. With another school in our space, this is really important so we can get everything checked in before your students arrive.

Students who have missing materials from last year will be allowed to check out one book to keep at school in the classroom. 

Book a Day Board
I found teachers to be a bit unreliable last year in reporting their reading to add to our board. So I'm going a different route. See the link below to submit your books. This applies to students as well. For grades 3-5, you can have students add the link to their homescreen of the iPad and submit their books directly. I have a QR code they can use from the board itself. For grades K-2, when you finish a read aloud in class you can submit it as a group. Or have students submit their reading from your computer or iPad. I think it will be fun. 

Team Meetings
I'm looking forward to listening in at your grade level planning times. I'll start attending next week. 

Maker stuff
Look for these blog posts for ideas you might want to try. I'll also bring ideas to your meetings. Room 305 is a mess, but we hope to have it straightened out soon. I have already scheduled some scavenger hunts with Kindergarten and Breakouts with 3rd. Be thinking of things we did last year (bookmarks, buttons, crafts, challenges, etc) that you want to do again. And there will be more stuff to come. 

That's probably enough for now. Who am I kidding? Only four of you made it this far. If you are one of those people, see me for a surprise. After 1:00. I'm hungry. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Last week updates!

Here is my final installment for the year. Lots of great info below...

CREdX 2019
We are getting closer to the big event on Thursday. The plan is to create a live stream at 1:00 so you can watch from your classrooms. I'll send out a link later in the week once I have it all set up. The committee and speakers have worked really hard. Thank you teachers for your flexibility in giving me access to the kids these past weeks. Here's our schedule for next week:

  • Tuesday at 9:30 - final rehearsals
  • Thursday at 12:00 - Committee members to the library for final preparations (4th grade will have to eat lunch early)
  • Thursday at 12:30 - Speakers to the library (5th grade will need to eat early too)
  • Thursday at 1:00 - Showtime
Media Teacher Checkouts
I put a "media checkout" sheet in your mailboxes. It's checking for your teacher iPad, laptop, walkie, and books. I'll need to see everyone's iPad and laptop to make sure they aren't broken or missing (I trust nobody!). Once your checkout is complete with me, you'll be awarded a priceless trinket to take to Angie or Jacqui for your final checkout. 

Lost Books
We are still getting a slow trickle of book returns. Thank you for your efforts in getting materials back. I've been talking to students as I see them and the results have been pretty good. Big shout out to Ms. Maude for being the first class with ZERO books out. Several classes are right behind her with only one or two. As a reminder, students with missing books this year will be only allowed one "at school" checkout next year.

Speaking of next year...
I'm thinking of purchasing each classroom a rolling crate for book returns next year. It can be painful to watch the various methods for transporting books down here. I hate to give Kara an ego boost, but her little rolling bin is pretty sweet. So bins for everyone (even you Abbey because that janky thing you use is ridiculous!). I'll also get an official "at school" tub for those students who can't take theirs home. I think that would be easier to manage than trying to make sure they don't put their books in their backpacks. If I'm wrong, let me know!

Have a Great Weekend!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Author Visits, Summer School Tech, and a Sale on Plastics

Congratulations to third grade for finishing up their week of fun! Now it's 4th and 5th grades' turn. Thanks to everyone for your support during testing. I've heard several kids tell others to stop talking (politely!) in the halls because they know classes are working on the test. 

Author Visit
We had a nice morning with the author Javaka Steptoe. He spoke to fourth and fifth graders about his books and artwork. The art is pretty cool. I was really impressed with our fifth grader who greeted and welcomed Javaka. He worked all week on his introduction and despite some serious nerves, did a fabulous job. And he got to walk away with an autographed copy of Radiant Child, Javaka's Caldecott and Coretta Scott King winning book! We'll have Javaka's collection on display in the library for students to enjoy starting on Monday. 

CREdX Updates
It's been a busy week for the CREdX Committee. We had two representatives present their grant proposal to FTO on Tuesday and were able to secure funding for the event. Yeah! They also decided on the lineup of speakers for the event. We have 16 speakers ranging from kindergarten through fifth grade. They are (hopefully) working on their talks now and we'll begin revision and practicing in the coming weeks. Look for promotional materials in your mailboxes soon. Thanks for your support! 

Devices for summer school
I've had a few people ask about iPads for summer school. Here's the plan. K-2 teachers may keep the iPads you are currently using for summer school. You'll need to check them out before May 28th. If you are not going to use them, you'll turn them in to me before the last day of school. All iPads in grades 3-5 will be turned in and locked up for summer. Since those are used in 1:1 classes, we need to make sure those are ready to go for the new school year. We will have all three laptop carts and the lab available for checkout during the summer. How do I check them out, you ask? Well, that's not up to me. I'll be on the golf course with a cooler of icy cold...ah...Diet Cokes, so you'll have to talk to your summer school principal! 

The Old Bookroom...
Is no more. And I couldn't be happier! Someone will be coming to remove the boxes of books in the coming weeks. If you are needing any plastic containers/bins, then you should head to 343 and shop while the selection is good. 

Book returns
Please let me know if you would like updated lists of students with overdue books. I'll likely wait until the week of May 6th to run physical copies again. Students who don't turn in materials or pay fines from this year will only be allowed to check out one book at a time next year and will have to keep it at school. We want to give everyone access to good books, but we also have to protect our resources. 

I think that's about it. Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Spring Updates

Last four buttons earned!
It's been a while since my last post. I'm sure at least two of you have missed them. We have a lot going on this time of year, so check out the info below to stay up to date. I wanted to brag on Kaitlyn. She has read all 12 Mark Twain Award nominee books this year! If you see her around, give her a high five! 

CREdX 2019
Thank you for letting the student planning committee (or me) take some time to recruit speakers. As of 10:30, we have twelve applications turned in! Today is not a hard deadline, so keep encouraging students to apply who you think have a great story to tell. The event will be held on May 23 at 1:00 in the media center. The planning committee is looking at ways to invite some students to watch live. I'm also considering a live stream so you can watch in the classroom. Look for more updates soon! 

Last checkouts
We'll have our last week of checkouts the week of May 6th (this is the date that most elementary schools are using). Please collect books the following week to return to the library. We're contemplating having your classes come the next week to do maker stations. I have a bunch of books to give away for those students who have all materials turned in. On May 20 we'll start marking those books as "lost" and issuing fines. With about 100 books still out and the average replacement cost around $15, that's a big hit to our collection. Please encourage your students in any way you see fit!

Device Collection
The week of May 20th will be Device Collection Week. Get excited!! I'm willing to wait that along because I know you are using them and are more than willing to help out with the processes in your room. I'll give you specific directions in the coming weeks, but I wanted to make sure you have time to plan accordingly. If you are leaving the district or switching schools, I'll get with you to repo all of your technology before you are able to sneak away...

Book Room
I've started to box up the leftover bookrooms materials. Those will be shipped off to the farm. The professional books are now in the conference room by the media center. 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Who's Counting??

Several times in recent weeks I've found myself mumbling "spring break is coming, spring break is coming" when walking the dismissal line. I'll probably make this one my last update before break, so make sure you read all the way through.

Book Fair
Thanks for your support during book fair week. We did around $4700 in sales, which nets us nearly $3000 in Scholastic dollars. Even after redeeming the coveted Matt Dollars, we still have a ridiculous balance. Here is Scholastic's Online Catalog. Look through it and let me know if you are interested in anything for your students. I also purchased seven book sets from the fair and hopefully I have time to get those cataloged today!

Old Bookroom
I know that many of you are pillaging the old bookroom. Just a reminder that anything left in the room at spring break will be removed. I've talked with FTO about the possibility of a used book sale next August. I'm also looking into setting up a "leave one, take one" book display somewhere in the building. So the books will go to good use if they are left abandoned by spring break. 

CREdX Event
We are taking on a big undertaking this spring. Cedar Ridge will be hosting our first CREdX Event (think TED, but with a CRE twist). I'm looking around May 23 or 24. The planning committee will consist of 6-8 fourth graders. They will be in charge of everything: theme, recruiting, logos, advertising, invitations, donations, recording, publication, etc. We'll have the talks in the afternoon followed by a reception for the speakers and guests. It's a big deal. What does this mean for you? We will be deciding on a theme the week before spring break. We'll also be determining a plan to recruit speakers at that time. I'm fine with students of any age. I'm guessing the talks will range from 2-5 minutes. Once we get the theme nailed down, I'll send out info about choosing speakers. I wanted you to know now so you can be thinking about students who might be great for this opportunity.

Great news! We were able to secure funding for Project Lead the Way kits. I purchased kits to cover one unit in each grade level. My goal for next year is to team teach at least one unit with each grade level. Here's the rundown:

Kindergarten: Pushes and Pulls
First: Light, Observing Sun, Moon, and Stars
Second: Form and Function
Third: Science of Flight
Fourth: Collisions
Fifth: Robotics and Automation

We also have 14 VEX construction kits now which serve several units such as simple/compound machines. 

I think that's it. Sorry to disappoint if you were looking forward to a clever meme. 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 8, 2019

And the Winners Are....

Happy Friday! Just when the possibility of a full week is staring us in the face, weather happens again. Good thing we have five day weeks the rest of the month. Here are a few of the pictures using the green screen on the "MAKE" day this week. Talk to me if you'd like to do something similar with your students as part of a research project. I'd love to help you take videos of your students sharing their animal/space/history/etc learning in front a cool picture.

Cedar Ridge Nominees!
Put your hands together for our colleagues who got the nod as our school's nominees for the Columbia Fund for Academic Excellence award:

Outstanding Teacher PreK-2: Lori Huhman
Outstanding Teacher 3-5: Taryn Wall
Outstanding Specialist: Annette Renwick
Outstanding First Year Teacher: Samantha Flowers

The next step is for us to write recommendation letters to show our support. PLEASE consider writing one for at least one of our teachers. You can send them to me in PDF form and I'll put together the packets. Student and parent submissions are encouraged as well. Let's all get behind our nominees!

Book Fair is coming...
We only have a few short weeks until the book fair hits me in the face. Next week will be a normal week in the media center. In two weeks we'll be showing the preview videos to all classes and the students will be able to preview the book fair once it's set up. We'll most likely do wish lists in the same format as in the fall. And the exciting news! Everyone will be getting a huge gift card so you can buy books for your classroom. Look for those in your mailbox in a few weeks.

Maker stuff
I think my devious plan to add maker time to checkout in order to show teachers what we have is working a little. I see many of you looking over your students' shoulders to see what they're doing. Remember that everything we have in the media center is available for classroom use. Including the OSMO (numbers, words, coding, Monster, Pizza (great for fractions and making change), tangrams). Just let me know if you are interested and we'll get it on the calendar.

Bookroom Reminder
I'm excited to say that I'm about 30 titles away from having all the new materials cataloged and in circulation. Remember that the old book room (with all the books all over the floor) needs to be cleaned out by spring break. Bring any books you want me to catalog and I'll handle them. Take any books you want for your room and never show them to me again. 

100 Cup Tower Challenge Winners
Here are the winners from each grade and the teacher challenge. Every winner will receive a coupon for a free book at the book fair:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Hawf's Table 1 at 77 inches
First Grade: Mrs. Gonzalez's students at 75 1/2 inches
Second Grade: Mrs. Heath's Maggie, Evan, and Dante at 80 1/2 inches
Third Grade: Mrs. Mantle's Zac, Robert, and Josiah at 75 inches
Fourth Grade: Mrs. Kunkel's students at 90 inches
Fifth Grade: Mr. Higgin's Cami, Claudia, Madison, and Brenna at 86 1/2 inches

Teacher Winners:

All teachers who played will get a free book! Technically there was a tie between 5th grade and Nikki/Christie at 95 inches. But 2nd grade and rest of 4th will also get a free book. Thanks for playing!!

Valentine's Buttons
Make your reservation now if you'd like to have your class make buttons for Valentine's Day.

Have a great weekend!