Friday, May 17, 2019

Last week updates!

Here is my final installment for the year. Lots of great info below...

CREdX 2019
We are getting closer to the big event on Thursday. The plan is to create a live stream at 1:00 so you can watch from your classrooms. I'll send out a link later in the week once I have it all set up. The committee and speakers have worked really hard. Thank you teachers for your flexibility in giving me access to the kids these past weeks. Here's our schedule for next week:

  • Tuesday at 9:30 - final rehearsals
  • Thursday at 12:00 - Committee members to the library for final preparations (4th grade will have to eat lunch early)
  • Thursday at 12:30 - Speakers to the library (5th grade will need to eat early too)
  • Thursday at 1:00 - Showtime
Media Teacher Checkouts
I put a "media checkout" sheet in your mailboxes. It's checking for your teacher iPad, laptop, walkie, and books. I'll need to see everyone's iPad and laptop to make sure they aren't broken or missing (I trust nobody!). Once your checkout is complete with me, you'll be awarded a priceless trinket to take to Angie or Jacqui for your final checkout. 

Lost Books
We are still getting a slow trickle of book returns. Thank you for your efforts in getting materials back. I've been talking to students as I see them and the results have been pretty good. Big shout out to Ms. Maude for being the first class with ZERO books out. Several classes are right behind her with only one or two. As a reminder, students with missing books this year will be only allowed one "at school" checkout next year.

Speaking of next year...
I'm thinking of purchasing each classroom a rolling crate for book returns next year. It can be painful to watch the various methods for transporting books down here. I hate to give Kara an ego boost, but her little rolling bin is pretty sweet. So bins for everyone (even you Abbey because that janky thing you use is ridiculous!). I'll also get an official "at school" tub for those students who can't take theirs home. I think that would be easier to manage than trying to make sure they don't put their books in their backpacks. If I'm wrong, let me know!

Have a Great Weekend!