Just one more week until Spring Break!! The year has flown by. I want to say how energizing it is to see how our staff comes together to help each other out. Shoutout to Justin, Emily, Mandy, Rebecca, and probably more I don't see who have stepped up to take over classes this week. The kids deserve it!
The Masked Reader
The event will take place Tuesday evening at 6:30. I would include the link, but someone at technology services removed webinar access from my account so I'll have to start over again. In the meantime, here's the promo if you'd like to share with your families:
Update: I got my webinar back! Here's the link to "The Masked Reader": https://cpsk12.zoom.us/j/92186130870
March Reading Madness
Please fill out your class's choices for this round: https://forms.gle/iG2YyKuCDdom3DxC8 We will announce the final matchup during Monday morning's announcements.
Book Fair ending soon!
The last day to place orders for the book fair is Monday. We currently only have 34 orders submitted. Please encourage families to get their orders in by Monday! Here's the link to include in your correspondence: https://efairs.follettbookfairs.com/guest/home?classCode=XW3GR
It's been fun helping out in classrooms with Nearpod! Kindergarten all used activities this week for St. Patrick's Day and rhyming words. It went really well! We have extended our trial until the end of April. We also have another training opportunity on April 7th from 3:45 to 4:45 (https://nearpod.zoom.us/j/9662511638). If you weren't able to make the first training, then try to get to this one. There's a lot of great resources for you to access and the students love the interactivity of the activities.
Chicken Adoption
So Jen is the only teacher who has volunteered to watch the chickens over Spring Break. Just kidding, Jen. Seriously though, Mike said they could live outside around this time. I would feel a bit guilty tossing them out there when we're all gone for Spring Break. I have some extra tubs that I can use to separate them into smaller "flocks". So maybe I'll get more hits if I ask if anyone wants to watch 2-3 chickens over break. Please? Then once we return, they'll be in their permanent home in the coop.
Mark Twain Award Voting
Fourth and Fifth grade teachers, please share this Mark Twain Award Nominee voting link with students. They must read/hear at least four of this year's books to vote. Please have them vote before they leave school on Tuesday.
This will be my last blog before Spring Break. Feel free to read through archived posts if you are needing a fix.
Have a Great Weekend!