Friday, May 28, 2021

Big week ahead!

First, it was such a fun time today seeing and hearing all the happy kids enjoying field day! Congrats to Karla and crew for making that happen. I can't wait to see what Mr. Floyd puts together for next year (it's in writing now so it has to happen!). Just a couple of updates heading into the last weekend of the school year. 

iPad Collection
Tuesday morning marks the beginning of iPad collection. See the link below for the detailed directions. Email me to let me know if you'd like for me to come to you or if you'd like to bring your class to the library to turn in everything. I'm putting a sheet of blank labels in your mailbox so every device can have a fresh name label. Please use a class list to mark off returned chargers and cables. If you need clarification on anything, please ask! We have a lot to get done in a short window.

iPad Collection Directions - Read Me!

The New Makerspace
Exciting news! Our fearless leaders have given me the green light to move our makerspace into the computer lab. I'm really excited about the possibilities of having the space adjacent to the media center and open for all to see. I've already begun some setup. If you have ideas about equipment or stations (for example, we'll have sewing machines set up for Julia), please let me know. iPads are the focus of Media class and that will continue for next year. We'll have a laptop lab available for when it's needed for Media. We'll also have another laptop cart open for teachers to use. Which leads me to...

Technology Updates
Please read these carefully:

  • I need you to return your old laptops. Those will be used for the laptop labs for next year. Looks like the one over there >>
  • Many of you have iPad Minis on your Destiny accounts. Ignore those. Those are all gone so I need to go in and manually check them in. 
  • Carl is ready to image the new laptops you received over the summer at the Aslin drive thrus. It'll have to be done at some point before next school year. If you want to get it done next week, simply put a post it on your laptop with your name and room number and put it on the purple table in the library. He'll image it and get it back to you as fast as possible.
Book returns
Please follow up with families with materials out. You know the best way to contact them, so I'd appreciate any help you can give. I will continue to make the rounds in the morning to get books and bring by raffle tickets for those students who clear their accounts. I will draw winners and come around with the prize cart on Thursday morning. 

Have a great three day weekend!

Friday, May 21, 2021

STEAM, Flipster, End of year checkout, and more!

It's that time of year when we all start looking towards the next year! I'm working on
some new ideas for next year as well as ways to enhance current programs. I'm always open to feedback as long as it's creative, forward-thinking, out of the box, and not from Emily. Totally kidding! Anyone who thinks to get a custom cup holder for an 84 oz drink is definitely special. Come share your ideas with me. And bonus points if you start the conversation with "I have a totally crazy idea". 

**Please return any laptops you have borrowed for students to the cart in the lab. It's looking pretty thin and I need to start inventory for next year's laptop carts.

Book returns
Next week I'll make the rounds each day to pick up book returns. Starting with Monday's classes, I'll come around with raffle tickets for students with all materials returned. I will draw winners after school on the 2nd and then drive the prize wagon around the school the morning of the 3rd. You'll also notice I've posted a display in the library of how many library materials are checked out. I'm not sure what I'll do with it though. Just for fun unless you're the competitive type. 

End of year checkout
There will be a few media center items on your checkout sheet. Here's a preview:

  • Teachers staying at Cedar will hold on to your iPad and new laptop
  • Teachers leaving CRE need to turn in your iPad, all laptops, and all chargers
  • All books/book room materials need to be returned (you can see what you have checked out in Destiny just like the students: Classlink>Electronic Library>Destiny CRE). There's either a "My Info" tab at the top of the screen or press the hamburger in the upper left and choose "Checkouts". If you can't find it, let me know. But I'll judge. 
  • If you have an older laptop that I gave you a few years ago, I'll need that back as well. It's the grayish one with the touch screen. 
You know where to find me if you have questions!

Flipster purchases
I just submitted my order for next year's Flipster titles. Digital magazines will be a focus on the media center next year. Expect to see interactive bulletin boards and hear about new editions regularly. I purchased a much larger collection for next year to try to appeal to broader interests. Here's the lineup:

  • The Week Junior
  • Zoobooks
  • Sports Illustrated for Kids
  • Ranger Rick Junior
  • Girls' World
  • Baking Heaven
  • How it Works
  • Cobblestone
  • Brainspace
  • All About Space
  • Eco Kids Planet
I think we had a decent first attempt at STEAM kit checkouts. We had close to a 100 individual checkouts and nearly 75 Seesaw submissions. We will keep this program going next year. Nothing was lost or stolen (my plan really freaked out quite a few media specialists: "they'll steal everything!!"). We'll promote early in the year and continue having students place holds through Destiny to check out kits. I'll once again offer prizes for those who complete the submission. Congrats to Asher, Amelia, and Alex for winning this year's STEAM drawing. Yes, it was limited to kids with "A" names.

Mark Twain Champion Readers
Congrats to Mikayla, Asher, Aniayah, Rylan, Reneelynn, and Bailey from Mrs. Upton's class for reading all twelve Mark Twain Award nominees this year. Be sure to give them a pandemic elbow (not a Cardinal Punch) if you see them in the halls. They'll be in the media center Wednesday afternoon for a pizza, ice cream, and Mario Cart celebration. My daughter also read all twelve but she won't be joining us. Don't worry, I'll get her a ring pop or something. I'm looking forward to establishing more book groups next year with our 4th and 5th graders with the goal of having 20 or more students read all the books. 

Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday bonus

Last week was a blur. I've already sent too many announcement emails to you this morning, so here's a Monday update instead.

Outdoor classroom ready
The deck and log seating is ready for classroom use. We don't have a signup for it, but maybe we should? At this point, just let me know when you want to use it and I'll let you know if it's available. Sure, sounds good.

More bucket seats
Renae Goodman donated 30 buckets this morning to support our "get the kids outdoors" initiative. I placed them by the bus doors in the extra wing. I know the chickens like company, so take your class by, pick up a bucket, and head outdoors!

Don't forget...
We also have buckets by the first grade doors and we have folding chairs as well. It's going to be a beautiful week

Compost updates
Congrats to 3rd Grade for winning last week's challenge. Pretty much destroyed 4th and 5th. It's a good thing we don't have competitive teachers here. I want to try something a little different to hopefully speed things up. We're going to "tare" the trash can weight and just weigh the whole darn thing! It'll be heavier, but might speed up the waste process and keep things neater. Or it could be a disaster. Who knows?

I will be working with K-2 classes individually this week. I think it's best for everyone if we go with a more adult-centered approach for the younger ones. 

iPad Collection
Here's the rough schedule for iPad collection. I think most of you are planning on allowing iPads to continue to go home until the 24th. If you are collecting keyboards now, give me a little more time to figure out how/where/why I'm going to store them. We will be collecting chargers as well. Serenity now...

June 1 - 4th and 5th
June 2 - K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Virtual collection schedule will be finalized today. I'll email those teachers separately. 

Hope everyone had a restful weekend!