Monday, March 14, 2022

March Monday Updates

I hope your week is off to a good start. I figure this will be the only update for March. First, FTO has asked that I share a survey with all staff. They are looking for feedback for setting the budget for next year. This is your opportunity to share how you think money should be spent, so don't miss out: 2022 Staff Survey

The event will be held May 24th at 1:30. After Thursday, our committee should be getting with 2-5 teachers to schedule a time for them to come in and talk to your classes. I'd like that to happen before spring break so students have time to work on their writing over break if needed. Applications will be due by April 8th. 

iPad Returns
All iPads should be in the building and stay in the building by this Friday. If you have students that do not have their iPad on Friday, send me a list of names and I will lock down their device. I also need a list of names of students who did not return the chargers you gave them this year before the Covid break. I asked for you to keep a list of who received them. I will be submitting a fine for anyone who didn't bring them back. I'm down to less than 20 chargers right now. Because of the small inventory, I may have to pull chargers from the K-2 classrooms during MAP testing so that our 3-5 student devices are fully charged for testing. 

Media Class
iPads need to be charged for Media class. That is the tool they use for instruction, so please have a plan so they are useable during that time. 

March Reading Madness
Here's this round's link one last time: Round One Voting. I get the impression this activity is causing some stress. It is for me. I don't have an answer for those of you who are wanting to read them to your students but aren't getting them. If you have suggestions on how to make the process run smoother, I'm all ears. At any rate, p
lease send the books back to the media center at the end of the day today so I can redistribute starting tomorrow. 

I will announce what books are moving on in March Reading Madness tomorrow during announcements. Voting for the Elite Eight will take place this Friday. I'll send you the link at that time.

Show-me Award school winner
Madeline Finn and the Shelter Dog was our K-3 student choice for the Show-Me Award this year. I doubt it was because it was the one we read to them during voting week. I submitted our selection to MASL last week. This week we are voting for the Mark Twain Award. I sent 4th and 5th grade teachers an email on how to get that done. They'll announce the state wide winners for both awards later this spring. 

I hope you have a great week...