Friday, April 16, 2021

It's Testing Season!!

Only six more weeks of school...


3-5 teachers: I have placed the requested loaner keyboards and headphones in your testing rooms. I also moved the laptop cart to the hallway for easy access. On Monday, I'll be in that area while you get set up and to help things get underway as smoothly as possible. If a student forgets an iPad, they are to use a laptop. If you need additional loaner keyboards, I'll be pulling the grossest ones I can find from kindergarten and first grade students. Please leave the loaner keyboards in your testing classroom. I would also have the students who need to borrow headphones leave them in the room as well. I'll have my phone on me as well as a walkie so I can't hide from you for long. 

iPads and Keyboards
I wanted you to know there isn't an expectation that devices get sent home. If students are having issues bringing their iPad to school, you are welcome to keep it here. However, if you are doing anything on a large scale, talk to me first about the logistics and communication to parents. 

I would suggest at this point to request that keyboards come to school and stay here. Currently, there is a $50 fine for a lost keyboard. I know that many have switched hands during the year. I'd be happy to visit your room to scan and label them. I still have heard nothing about the collection of devices. I expect an answer on or around May 27th. Seriously though, the more stuff we have here, the easier it will be to collect (assuming we are allowed to collect them). 

Composting Initiative

Next week we start our Cedar Ridge composting campaign to teach students how to reduce and reuse food waste. Look for updates from Mrs. Guillory's classroom as we dial in the most efficient process for separating and collection food waste. I'm sure it will be a lot of trial and error and probably a big mess. I'll look for a cute apron to wear while I'm helping, and I haven't bought new shoes recently and I always look forward to that...

Chicken Care
Thank you Mrs. Kunkel for volunteering to care for the flock next week! The birds appreciate it. Next week, we'll start adding food waste from lunch prep to the chickens' diet. Our wonderful chefs (my son called them chefs for many years in elementary school) are filling a bucket each day with scrap veggies from their prep. We'll have a student from the helper class collect the bucket to feed the chickens. On Monday, in between MAP dumpster fires, I'll be creating highly detailed and entertaining directions for you to use when it's your week to care for the chickens. It'll be great!

Have a great weekend!

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