Friday, January 14, 2022

January 14

Are you looking forward to a three day weekend? Tuesday morning might come quickly, but there is good news. The Upton family will be providing bagels for the staff for breakfast. Come by the media center after 7:30 to enjoy. Just watch your crumbs. 

Masked Reader
Thanks to Allie, Jake, and Colleen for participating in the second annual Masked Reader event. It looked like we had 79 participants on the call, but I know many of them represented multiple viewers. Hopefully everyone got on the call. I'm not sure why it was asking some to register because that was definitely turned off and the chat was too. Oh well. 

iPad transportation reminder
Now that students are taking devices home, it's important to remind them on how to get the iPads home. Students should leave the classroom at the end of the day with the iPads in their backpacks. They should also arrive with them in their backpacks. There's not much we can do about the time on the bus. If you see a student holding a device during arrival or dismissal, please have them stop and put it away before moving on. 

The FTO Read-a-thon is next week. FTO put an informational sheet in your box a while ago. I'm assuming they put reading logs in your box as well. Encourage students to record their reading on those logs which are to be turned in on January 24th. All students who turn in a log will get a ticket to enter into the "Teacher Time" raffle to win an experience with a staff member. 

There's also a door decoration contest. It's supposed to start on Tuesday. Don't stress over it. If you did it, great. If you didn't but still want to participate, have it done sometime next week. The judging isn't until the 27th. Maybe have the students draw their favorite book covers, scenes, etc. Slap some colored background on the door, tape up the pics, and call it a day. 

STEM Planning
I'm working on planning out the STEM activities for the rest of the school year. Our first events will be Olympic themed challenges. I think those will be ready to go the week of the 24th. Look for scheduling information in next Friday's update. 

Have a great weekend

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