Friday, September 10, 2021

Can you hear me now??

The shortest weeks are always the longest. Quick updates below.

Classroom updates
I'd like to start including activities I've been involved with in different grade levels so I
can prove I'm working on something. Here's what's been happening...

  • Started "Mystery Zooms" with fourth grade. Students are learning US geography and will be zooming with classes across the country to figure out the mystery state. We'll be practicing next week with the hope of going live in two weeks.
  • Planned with third grade about starting "passion projects" or "genius hour" to allow students to work on research and presentation skills. 
  • First grade has started planning a team sustainability project. We're looking to install gardens and birdhouses for their courtyard. 
  • Second grade is moving forward with creating a garden outside the media center window. They'll be planting bulbs to observe the growing cycle.
  • LEGO Storytelling has started in The Fishbowl. Ms. Jeffries' class started out this morning. We read "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" and built scenes from the story.

I'm ready to start STEAM Kit checkouts. For those of you who weren't here last year, students can check out kits to use at home. Kits include Spheros, Ozobots, Duct Tape, etc. Checkouts are made by putting a hold in Destiny. I need to make a new video for directions. When I do, I'll send it out to you. In the meantime, the route is Classlink>Electronic Library>Destiny CRE>Collections>STEAM Kits. 

Flock Care
Thanks to Ms. Guillory for handling the flock this week. I have now prepared a checksheet for your class. It's on a clipboard. Complete the week and record the number of eggs you collect each day on the sheet. You can distribute the eggs to students to take home or keep them for yourself. You could cook them up for students if you want! Ms. Guillory, please pass the clipboard, egg cartons, and coop key to Ms. Heath for next week. At the end of the week, please have a student bring me the checksheet so I can record the egg production on our master spreadsheet. Here's the upcoming schedule:

  • Week of September 13 - Heath
  • Week of September 20 - Corwin
  • Week of September 27 - Kinkead

Inspiration Station
We will be offering the Inspiration Station for collaborative work again. Students can display an iPad to the flat panel. All you have to do is let me know when you'd like to send a group so we can make sure they are supervised.

Amplifier systems
Dr. Nelson found some portable amplifier systems on the black market. We have eight available for you to use in your classroom. They are on backorder now but more should be arriving next month. Let me know if you'd like one.

Have a Great Weekend!

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