Friday, September 3, 2021

September STEAM Challenge and more

Here you go...

It's been fun seeing so many tweets the last few days from classes completing bingo challenges. Anita was tweeting like crazy today! I have posted a master board outside the Media Center to track progress. I'm adding your grade/name when I see your tweets (1J for Jeffries). I've seen Ms. Tracy (@MissTracy_CRE), Ms. Faust (@MissAbbyFaust), and Ms. Long (@Long5thCRE) join Twitter this week. Give them a follow! Next week, I'll get the buckets and chairs out to accessible locations for you. If you need help getting started with #CREmediabingo, please let me know. 

September STEAM Challenge
This month's activity will be LEGO storytelling. Classes who participate will come to The Fishbowl for a story. After hearing part or all of the book, students will be challenged to create a build with LEGO to go along with the story. Depending on your class, we could also have students upload their creation to Seesaw along with a voice recording explaining their build. I envision the activity taking 45-60 minutes. Let me know if you are interested. 

Library Checkouts
This year we are back to back checkouts from 1:00-3:00 which makes things tight. We are working to finish the book/mini-lesson before the 15 minute mark so there is plenty of time to checkout. We'd like to start the lining up process with enough time to get out the door after 30 minutes. So that time will vary for each class depending on how fast you can line up. A couple other reminders:

  • Send your returned books to the library in the morning. If books aren't returned in the morning, we won't be accepting them during library time. It's just too much to manage on the fly.
  • Get those book bins decorated (optional) and clearly labeled (mandatory) with your name. Bingo!
  • Books that need to be renewed can be brought down by the student during library time
  • Students in grades 2-5 are welcome to continue bringing their iPads to use the Destiny catalog
  • Remind students to leave any distracting toys/games/objects in class
  • We need masks fully worn in the library. If students are unable to keep them on, they will be asked to wait outside. We have too many students in and out all day to contact trace, so masks are pretty important to keeping the library open. 
Media Class
Please check to make sure your iPads are charged for Media class. I'm working on acquiring more chargers for the classrooms. In the meantime, try to manage usage so they are fresh for Media. iPads will be the main tool used during class.

Book a Day Form
Here is the link to our "Book A Day" form. Please submit books you are reading to your class and encourage students to submit their own form. I will draw names before the book fair to award coupons to students/classes for a free book from the fair. The form is also available on the Media Center website on the left sidebar.

Website Updates
Please send me a picture to include on your staff directory webpage. Email is great. 

Enjoy your extra day off. If you need me, I'll be on the golf course.

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