Friday, March 8, 2019

Who's Counting??

Several times in recent weeks I've found myself mumbling "spring break is coming, spring break is coming" when walking the dismissal line. I'll probably make this one my last update before break, so make sure you read all the way through.

Book Fair
Thanks for your support during book fair week. We did around $4700 in sales, which nets us nearly $3000 in Scholastic dollars. Even after redeeming the coveted Matt Dollars, we still have a ridiculous balance. Here is Scholastic's Online Catalog. Look through it and let me know if you are interested in anything for your students. I also purchased seven book sets from the fair and hopefully I have time to get those cataloged today!

Old Bookroom
I know that many of you are pillaging the old bookroom. Just a reminder that anything left in the room at spring break will be removed. I've talked with FTO about the possibility of a used book sale next August. I'm also looking into setting up a "leave one, take one" book display somewhere in the building. So the books will go to good use if they are left abandoned by spring break. 

CREdX Event
We are taking on a big undertaking this spring. Cedar Ridge will be hosting our first CREdX Event (think TED, but with a CRE twist). I'm looking around May 23 or 24. The planning committee will consist of 6-8 fourth graders. They will be in charge of everything: theme, recruiting, logos, advertising, invitations, donations, recording, publication, etc. We'll have the talks in the afternoon followed by a reception for the speakers and guests. It's a big deal. What does this mean for you? We will be deciding on a theme the week before spring break. We'll also be determining a plan to recruit speakers at that time. I'm fine with students of any age. I'm guessing the talks will range from 2-5 minutes. Once we get the theme nailed down, I'll send out info about choosing speakers. I wanted you to know now so you can be thinking about students who might be great for this opportunity.

Great news! We were able to secure funding for Project Lead the Way kits. I purchased kits to cover one unit in each grade level. My goal for next year is to team teach at least one unit with each grade level. Here's the rundown:

Kindergarten: Pushes and Pulls
First: Light, Observing Sun, Moon, and Stars
Second: Form and Function
Third: Science of Flight
Fourth: Collisions
Fifth: Robotics and Automation

We also have 14 VEX construction kits now which serve several units such as simple/compound machines. 

I think that's it. Sorry to disappoint if you were looking forward to a clever meme. 

Have a great weekend!