Friday, February 26, 2021

March Madness!

Lots of stuff packed into this update.

March Reading Madness!

Next week is the start of March Reading Madness!. Maybe you saw the giant bracket on the wall by the library (thanks Rebecca and Justin!). Today I put the first pair of books in your lead teacher's mailbox. That pair of books rubber banded together is a matchup. Read both books to your class and then vote on which they think is better and record the result. Once your entire grade has finished a pair, pass that pair to the next grade level. 5th grade, you send yours to kindergarten. Next week will be full because you have to get through 16 books. Here is a Google Form with the matchups. Submit which book was the more popular one in your class. Only submit the form one time after you have read and voted on the books. Please have it finished by Friday. The winners will move on to the second round. I'll pull the losers out of rotation next week so you can revisit the winners for the second round matchup. I know, it's hard to explain in writing, so find me if you are confused. 

We'll also be working on setting up our first all school read aloud. Stay tuned for more details!

Minh Le Author Visit
On March 9th at 9:00, all CPS classrooms will have the opportunity to visit with author Minh Le. The talk is targeted to grades K-3, but I know our 4th and 5th graders would enjoying hearing what he has to say. Le wrote the book "Drawn Together" which we read last year to students during library time. Visit Minh Le's website for more information about his books. Visit the webinar registration form to sign up your class to participate. We are so lucky to have these opportunities so don't miss out! 

Library Checkout Update
This week went well in the library. It was fun to have kids back. Now that most of you have gone through once, the subsequent weeks should be smoother. Remember that you can have your students bring their iPads if you want so they can look up books or read if they can't check out that week. Remind them that because we are moving all students through the space, they must have their mask covering nose and mouth. Books can still be turned in at any time to the crate outside your classroom. We are still processing holds throughout the week as well.

MASL Award Voting
Next week is voting for the Show Me Awards (K-3) and for the Mark Twain Awards (4-5). During library time, we'll have students vote on their favorite books from this year. I'll have a chart set up for students to place a sticker by their favorite. We have read the Show Me nominees in library. Fourth and Fifth grade student have to read at least 4 of the Mark Twain nominees in order to vote. 

Children's Literature Festival is virtual
Each year, the University of Central Missouri puts on a literature festival for kids. I was scheduled to go last year with 4th and 5th graders who read the Mark Twain nominees. This year the festival is online and free to anyone! The target audience are grades 3-5. Here are some of the authors and their books books:

  • Roland Smith - "Above", "Storm Runners" trilogy, "Cryptid Hunters" series
  • Gordon Korman - "Unplugged", "Schooled" and 95 other books
  • Beth Vrabel - "Pack of Dorks"
  • Antony John - "Mascot", "Five Flavors of Dumb"
  • Torrey Maldonado - "What Lane?"
  • Mary Downing Hahn - "Old Willis Place"
  • Jewell Parker Rhodes - "Black, Brother, Black, Brother"
  • Kelly Yang - "Front Desk"
  • Veera Hiranandani - "Night Diary"
Talks start on March 3 and run through March 31. Visit the schedule here. Or visit the full Children's Literature Festival website

Chicken Names

It's been a lot of fun hearing the students' chatter about the chicks. You can sign up for a chick visit with this spreadsheet. It's important that they have continual positive interactions with humans, so the more they spend time with students, the more friendly they'll be. Next week, your grades will be responsible for coming up with a name for a chicken! How you decide is up to you. There are 8 chicks. So six will be named by grade levels, one by the office staff, and the last by the specialist team. Email me the name you choose by Friday so we can include it in the announcements the following Monday. Here are the breeds of chickens that we currently have:
  • Buff Orrington
  • Turken Naked Neck (easy to identify)
  • Dominique
  • Barred Rock
  • Black Astaulorp
  • Easter Egger
  • Dark Brahma
  • Cinnamon Queen
Media Lessons
So I've been tasked with writing a rotation of media classes in March. The only guideline was "enrichment". I'd like to tie in to what you are teaching. Please visit the grade level content document to add in big ideas of what you are teaching in class. 

Have a Great Weekend!