Friday, January 22, 2021

We're back!

Three days down. It was impressive watching all of you jump right back in without missing a beat. You all deserve a ton of rest and free time this weekend. We were told that students should not return to the library until at least February. No, I don't know why that timeframe was chosen or why we can't use the ginormous cafeteria for lunch. I'm just another messenger. See below for updates on book distribution plans.

Overdue Notices
Thank you for sending home those notices today. We are still actively trying to track down as many books as possible from last year. I think if we stay on them and we stay in seat for awhile, we can recover quite a few. Looks like we are now under 200 overdue books. 

Destiny Checkout
Grades 2-5 will continue to check out books via holds through Destiny. I'm including my video again if you would like to play it for your classes or send out to parents. Students can place up to three holds. I will be bringing a cart down to First Grade and Kindergarten. If you teach either of those grades, contact me to set up a time next week. 

We are expecting our newest Cardinals to arrive at school on February 16. They will only be a few days old. They live indoors for around six weeks but we're told it's good practice to take them outside for "recess". We will use an empty classroom to house them but they will be available to hang out in your classroom as well. We will make a class rotation to care for them, probably a week at a time. Mike will provide us with activities to do with the students. Should be exciting!

STEAM Activities
Now that we are back, I want to share with you a couple of activities you might consider for your students. The Maker activity for this month is "Downhill Skier" challenge. Students would construct a skier to complete a downhill run. I get it. It will look a lot different than last year. But if you have the time and space in your classroom and want to give it a shot, let me know. I also have a couple of digital breakouts that run on student iPads. We could do the breakout as a whole class or individually. 

Grade Level $$
Please let me know if you need any support with the projects your grade level chooses. If you are hurting for ideas, you could consider something to add to our outdoor learning spaces. Building benches, raised beds, picnic tables, etc would make for a fun project for students to work on this spring. 

Have a great weekend!