Friday, March 6, 2020

March Updates

Welcome back! Hard to believe my last post was at the end of November! Lots of great info below:

Outdoor Learning Courtyard
We were excited to start installing the new CRE chicken coop yesterday that is being built by Josh's class. It was decided that we can start adding elements to the north courtyard (by kindergarten) to create a super cool outdoor learning environment. So we are looking for suggestions! This might be a great activity to do with your classes. There's a bunch of space out there that could fit raised flower/vegetable beds, benches, tables, etc. Ideally we'll be able to have the students help build and install each element. So talk to your students and let me know what you come up with.

CREdX Update
I must say that I'm a little disappointed that Amber was the only person to offer suggestions for potential donors. Ten points to Amber! I know there are families in our school that own/run businesses. Please let me know. The committee will handle contacting potential donors so you won't have to do any of the awkward asking. 

Our student committee is working to talk to each 3-5 classroom over the next week to start recruitment. I hope to be there for the talks but if I'm not able to make it, please help them out if they miss any important details or aren't clear. It's scary talking to groups of kids (as you know) so they'll likely stumble a bit. I will be meeting with K-2 teachers over next week to share the info with you.

Because our theme of "Dear Cardinals" is so open, I think we will do some school-wide activities in addition to the live event. Look for more details in April. 

Classroom projects brief
Students present to our expert panel
  • Julia's class just finished their chicken coop design project and will start building soon. Abbey's class will start after spring break
  • Second grade is about to start a green screen project to go along with their animal research posters and virtual zoo
  • Third grade is starting publication of a grade level iBook for their country research
  • Taryn and Nikki's classes have both completed "Mystery
    Asking questions to figure out the other class location
    Skypes" with other classes around the country. 

Computer Carts
MAP testing is approaching. Which means that our 3rd and 4th grade colleagues will get preference for scheduling the computer carts for their MAP preparation. Please please please watch every student shut down their computer after they are done. And please personally check to make sure each one is properly plugged into the charger. We always have duds so it's best to have a full arsenal of devices to pull from. As a reminder, you can always check the availability of the laptops through the Media Center Computer Lab Schedule.

Book room materials
Another reminder to you about how to turn in your book room bags. Please make sure you have the covers facing out and the teacher materials facing forward. Otherwise it's difficult for the next teacher to preview what they need for class. I've included a picture for your reference.
The correct way of turning in your materials.

Library Time
Cedar Ridge is trending in the right direction with overdue books! We now have as many overdue books as Locust Street but with twice the students. I appreciate your help during all of these choppy weeks. It's nice to get back into a routine again. I decided to pause on the maker activities during checkout to help reduce the spread of germs. Hopefully we can get started again after spring break. 

Have a Great Weekend!