Friday, October 5, 2018

Flowchart and Button Madness

Happy October! What a fun time of year. The classes seemed to enjoy The Widow's Broom in the library this week and we have more good ones to follow. The Halloween books are flying off the shelves! 

Book Requests
Send me any titles that you would like to see in the library. I always have a shopping list up on my computer to add requests from students. I'll probably submit this month's order in a couple of weeks. Now's not the time to be shy because I have money to spend! 

Bookroom Reminder
As more of you are accessing bookroom resources, I wanted to remind you about that process. Feel free to take any set from either room 343 (old) or 312 (new). Items in 312 with a green dot are in circulation so bring them to the media center for checkout. If you take a set from 343, please take all the copies and put them in a plastic bag (on the black cart). When finished, bring the bags to me in the media center so I can enter them into Destiny for circulation. Here's another copy of the wonderful flowchart if you happened to leave your last one on your fridge. 

Green Screen
The MACH now features a green screen (wall really) that can be used for student projects. We have access to an app that can be scoped to teacher or student devices. I'd be happy to assist with ideas on how you can use it or with the implementation. It's something that can be done Kindergarten through Fifth grade. Check out my cheezy example below:

Button Craze!
You may have seen some buttons floating around the school this week. I purchased a button maker to create awesome buttons for all kinds of things. We're using it as swag for 4th and 5th graders who read Mark Twain Award nominee books. I've been passing out "Hello, I'm Awesome" and "Hall Superstar" buttons to students I catch being great. I'd like to extend the button-making fun to your classrooms. Let's schedule a time to make their own creations! The button maker travels on the Purple Cart of Fun, so we can have students draw their own button and we can stamp them out in your room. I have templates made up so it's easy for students to create their designs. Contact me to schedule a time! 

Library Assistant Program
We launched our newest program this week. We have 70 (no, that's not a mistake) students in the program from 4th and 5th grade. Class captains create a schedule and we have 6 students come in each day from 3:00 to 3:15 to help straighten and shelve books. Maybe you've notice how empty our carts have been? All them! They've done a great job especially after news got out about a shelving test at the end of the month. 

Have a great weekend!

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